Giulia Soldati

Designer and food researcher Mediamatic ETEN


Giulia Soldati -

Italian designer and food researcher, currently based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Giulia Soldati is an Italian designer with an MA in Social Design (Design Academy Eindhoven). She is researching ways to merge food and design, and exploring how they can influence each other. In her design practice, Soldati uses food as a tool to explore the relationship with our bodies, and to push and question our culture and believes. This way she wants to shape new culinary experiences and languages. 

Giulia has created two amazing Neo Futurist Dinners at Mediamatic in collaboration with Tommaso Burest. Both dinners were named A La Mano, because they were designed to explore the relationship between the food and our senses. No cutlery was involved, everything was eaten by hand. In this dinner Giulia and Tommaso made us involve in a rich sensory food experience. 

Both Giulia and Tommaso enjoyed working at Mediamatic, and love to come back as part of our team. So from September on you can expect to see them in our kitchen more often! 


Contact information

  • giulia soldati

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