2e prijs El HEMA ontwerpwedstrijd 1 Sep 2007
Duizendenéénnacht kussen
Alf laila wa laila
Pillowcase. The Arabic word 'night' 1001 times printed on a cotton pillowcase.

"One Thousand and One Nights" is the most famous and well known tale from the Arabic world.
It symbolizes the mystery and beauty of the Arab World.
So I took it literally and made an typographic translation of it.
(El) Hema = massproduction and feelgood products
Hema also wants to be 'arty' in a way, they gave art students the oportunity to make Hema-design.
I think this product fits in perfectly. But has an Arabic touch.
In fact the 'ordinary' Hema customers and people who are interested in the Arab culture and Arab people witch an modern view.
I was sleeping in my bed and suddenly I had this idea, so I went out of bed to wrote it down...
I used a selfmade font which already existed before I designed this pillowcase.
Cotton pillowcase size: 60 x 50 cm
Silk-screen print (Zeefdruk, Dutch) But if there's an other way to print on cotton, is fine as well
ink: black and magentha
tools for silkscreen print (or an other way to print cotton)
white cotton pillowcases