Discovery Festival Night

26 Sep 2014

Discovery Festival is a progressive night festival that revolves around the excitement of discovering new things


BEYOND Biënnale event - In collaboration with EYE, BEYOND Biennale organises two unique nights filled with interactive artworks, performances and short presentations Beyond Biënnale

By incorporating new science, new art and new music, Discovery Festival explores the current developments in scientific research, art and technology, and creates unique interdisciplinary linkages.

With The Reality Shift as a starting point, the 9th edition of Discovery Festival will introduce visitors to both new forms of reality manipulation with new media, data systems and virtual reality, and ancient manipulation tactics such as framing, lies and deceit.

During this night full of live experiments, micro talks, performances, demonstrations, and electrifying music, Discovery Festival will explore the boundaries between reality, fiction, truth, and lies.

Join the Fb event here

BEYOND Biennale also includes:

EYE Night: The Reality Shift (6 september)

EYE Night: Body Hacking (13 september)

The Reality Shift expositie (17 till 26 september)