Emma Aussems


the Quiche recipe

how we made quiche from plant out of the Aquaponics system


10599360_745920382148189_8034130125918831799_n - our home grown chard


During the last few events at Medimatic I made Quiche’s for all the customers together with my cooking partner Sonja. We wanted to make something with our own products from the Aquaponics systems. As we noticed the Swiss chard grows really good, our systems where full with it. So we searched for a nice recipe where we could use this plant in. That’s how we came up with making quiche out of it. First we made 2 for testing. The chard was doing really good in it, but we noticed we needed to optimise the recipe. After a few pies we had a nice quiche we could produce for the event.
So our recipe for 1 quiche:
• 10 eggs
• 1 pack of cheese flocks
• 1/ 0.75 kilo of swiss chard
• Onions
• Salt and pepper
• A bit of milk
• Olive oil
• dough

You warm the oven up on 160 degree and spread out the dough in the baking shape and pre-bake it for 10 minutes until it gets crispy. You cut 1 onion in small pieces and also cut the chard, than you fruit the onions together with the chard until it’s shrinks. While you’re doing that you add a bit of salt and pepper. Put the stuff in a sieve so the juice gets out. After that you put the stuff in a bowl and mix the 10 eggs in it together with a bit of milk and add the cheese flocks. And then you can put everything in the baking shape and put it in the oven for 45/50 minutes on 160 degree.

For the first event we made 10 Quiche and it was a big success, from one pie we had 8 pieces so we had 80 pieces we sold pieces for 3.50- each. Soon we where sold out and every body loved it.

The second time Sonja and I got the assignment to make quiche for a crowded event. We wanted to make more variable quiches so I put some chilli flocks in 3 pies. That was also a success so it had more bite.
After all Willem was really satisfied about the quiche project, but he wanted more variable flavours. So two weeks later we had to make quiche again. Sonja and I made up some recipe’s our self’s based on the recipe we used. We kept the recipe we had only we added more ingredients and every quiche had to be different. We also added leek in everything.
We made:
• blue cheese and sundry tomatoes
• Chinese vegetable’s and red paprika
• Courgette chicken
• Bacon and cheese
• Mushroom
• Italian vegetables with tomato topping

This was really nice with all the flavors and people loved it! But now we are running out of Swiss chard so we have to grow more. Too bad we moved out of the old location cause the aquaponic system is shutdown now.