Zuursalon: Koji Edition

Friday 11 november, 20:00 - 22:30

In Mediamatic’s Bio Clean Lab we use fungus to grow new bio-materials, but in many food production systems molds are used to re-design ingredients and alter flavours. The Koji, or Aspergillus oryzae, is a fungus responsible for many of the alterations in the Chinese and East Asian cuisine. It enables the creation of the typical ’umami’ flavour. What is the science behind this process? Join us for talks and tastings with Jasper Swierstra, Alice de Jong, Simon Hofstra and Meneer Wateetons.

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Dinner before the event at Mediamatic ETEN


still from moyashimon - Moyashimon is a animation series starting many micro-organisms. One of the main fungis is Oryzae! Better known as aspergillus oryzae. Moyashimon (JP)


Jasper Swierstra

Microbiologist Jasper Swierstra (PhD candidate at Erasmus MC) will tackle common questions like: What is the difference between yeasts and fungus? How to distinguish the good from the bad micro-organisms?

Simon Hofstra - Taste of Sake

Simon is the owner of Taste of Sake and carries the Japanese title 'Sake Samurai'. He will introduce different kinds of sake.

Alice de Jong

Alice specialises in Chinese culture and history and teaches at the Leiden University. She will show us ancient writings that reveal the true origin of Koji.

Meneer Wateetons

How can you use Koji at home? We'll ask Meneer Wateetons, he is the curator of Zuursalon and the host of the evening. He will bring some homemade Amazake and two types of Miso.


Sake brewery - Harushika Brewery (春鹿), located in the Naramachi quarter, was founded in 1884 as the official sake brewery of the Kasuga Shinroku in Nara. Image by [https://www.flickr.com/photos/wallyg/ Wally Gobetz]]

Zuursalon: Koji Edition
11 november 20:00 - 22:30
Tickets: €5,-- student/ €7,50 voorverkoop/ €10,-- Deur
Mediamatic Biotoop, Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam

Coming Up

15 Nov. - EAT FUTURE no. 4 | 17 Nov. - 23 Nov. -Stofpluizen

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