July - Nov 2019
Renato Paolucci
Aquaponics Assistant
Apr '19 – Mar '20
Alice Gimpel
Communication Manager
I'm responsible for all the communication between Mediamatic and the outside world. After finishing Literary Studies at Amsterdam University College, I have been writing about sexuality and intimacy...
Alessandra Baldissarelli
organization: Marie-Claire Springham
Burton Nitta
The London-based Anglo Japanese duo comprising o Michael Burton and Michiko Nitta describe themselves as “an interdisciplinary art and design studio collaborating with science and technology to...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Contemplative Bath(tub)
14Dec 201831Dec 2021With this installation Giorgio Gasco represents his internal conflict: Should a designer always choose for a sustainable completion of the design to save the planet, or does he allow himself the...
The Chair That Bleeds
The Red Series 001 Breath Chair by Hyun-Gi Kim
We consider chairs to be one of those everyday inanimate furnitures that fills the room. And like many inanimate objects, they’re often taken for granted because chairs are always being made. But...
presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Perfumed Words
19Oct 2017Poetry and literature have a lot in common with perfumes and scent compositions. Scents, like stories, evolve over time and trigger emotional states and memories. Like time-based narratives, they...
Michalis Skourtaniotis
Event programming & Communications
At Mediamatic i assist with programming and executing events. I have a background in economics and management consulting and an affinity for the creative world as well as the commercial one. I enjoy...
Dilruba Tayfun
Johanna Riedl
Francis Burgess
Aquaponics and Eco farming
At mediamatic I am with the garden and aquaponics team. My goal here is to inspire and get inspired by people and plants, to be creative and let the ideas and graft flow. The plan is to create a...
Mariette van Beeck Calkoen
Restaurant communication
I am interested in food and everything about it. I like that I can learn the combination of food, (bio) technology and art at Mediamatic.
Ronald Schelfhout
Ronald Schelfhout is an artist and alumnus from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Hans Schnitzler
Hans Schnitzler is filosoof, publicist, spreker en voormalig columnist voor de Volkskrant.
ROZENBROOD Trendacademy
Tega Brain
an Australian born artist and environmental engineer whose eccentric engineering crosses art, ecology & engineering. Eccentric engineering reimagines technologies to address their scope and politics
Zahra Khorami
Fine art Narrative Photographer
Kunstfort Vijfhuizen 21 Mar 2016
The Prophecy of Bees
3Apr 201619Jun 2016De bijensterfte wordt in de tentoonstelling aangewend als metafoor voor de kwetsbaarheid van de natuur en de manier waarop kunstenaars de relatie tussen mens en dier herdefiniëren.
daan proost
graphic artist, i don't like CAPITALS. right now i follow a graphic design bachelor at the art academy in utrecht. for me, the most interesting in a design lies beneath the pretty picture. the...
Lisanne Groenewoud