Asefeh Tayebani


Asefeh Tayebani portrait -

Asefeh Tayebani makes objects that have been assigned a specific purpose, but present them as something else. Introducing materials as metaphors or objects as symbols, are one of her main interests.

Her work is often informed by a dash of dark humor. Asefeh finds dark humor to be a very effective tool to deliver her concept together with very delicate, detailed objects that she makes. Asefeh enjoys the discrepancy between this dark humor and serious time-consuming hand made objects. She likes to make jewellery as something other than decorative element, but more as an extension to the body. Asefeh is very interested to see how people handle things, their gestures and to make hand related objects which often results in making jewellery-looking works with details; small objects that require lots of time and preparation.

Contact information

  • Asefeh Tayebani