The human immunity system is the reason why one is defended against disease-causing microorganisms. If it fails, a germ invades successfully and makes you sick. Adding herbal preparations to your diet is said to be one of the ways to make a difference in balancing out the immune system to function properly.

Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Apium graveolens rapaceum
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Summer Savory
Satureja hortensis
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Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Morus alba
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Blue Sage
Salvia azurea
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Purple Nightshade
Solanum xanti
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Find more about this plant on Wikipedia .
Dogs Mercury
Mercurialis perennis
A tricky plant
Red Sage
Salvia miltiorrhiza
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Japanese sweet flag
Acorus gramineus
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Wasabia japonica
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Fern Parsley
Cryptogramma crispa
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Star Gentian
Gentiana cruciata
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Large-flowered tickseed
Coreopsis lamarcka
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Garden mint / Spearmint
Mentha spicata
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Knowledge Page Alix Briere
Hortus Dijkspark Knowledge
What is the Hortus Dijkspark project?
This project is used to keep tract of the extensive list of plants we have growing here at Mediamatic. We tract their growing location (see 'Hortus Map'), some general plant information such as their...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
The Sin Eaters through the eyes of Hildegard Von…
By Alice Héron and Martin Butler
The Sin Eaters is a culinary experience created by chef and artist Alice Héron and the director Martin Butler. During 9 evenings in February 2022, participants were immersed in the incredible world...
exhibition: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Hortus Dijkspark
1أيار / مايو 20181أيار / مايو 2028Rondom onze Biotoop groeit een grote verscheidenheid aan planten, van genezend tot giftig, van donkergroen tot paars. Je kunt Hortus Dijkspark op elk moment bezoeken. Klik hier om meer te weten te...
Rejuvenating Herbs
Thai Sauna Experiments
Imagine the whole sauna filled with the calming scents of lemon grass or the rich warming smell of cinnamon sticks. What makes the Thai Herbal Sauna experience so unique is how it is altered for...
Goji berry
Lycium barbarum
Meet the antioxidant fruit
Acmella oleracea
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Lemon verbena
Aloysia citrodora
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Water mint
Mentha aquatica
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Rainbow chard
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens
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Marrokaanse munt
Mentha spicata var. cripsa 'Moroccan'
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