Publishing Photos (and other Media)

Put images on the Mediamatic Website

N.B. For best results, always upload the largest, best quality image files. The website server will automatically generate smaller sizes for daily use... The minimum recommended width is 1.200 pixels.

Are the images that you want to upload yours, or from a photographer that allowed Mediamatic to use the photo's? great. If not, make sure that the image is copyright free! (Google search: Creative Commons Licenses) 

Always pay close attention to giving credit to artists and photographers!

Never publish images without proper, linked credit to the source and the author.

1. In the edit or admin screen of the thing you are editing, click "add media item" (or on your profile, click +MEDIA)


Add media item button in our website - it's in the attached media block under the content block. this is the '22 version of our website's admin interface. If you add images, you'll see them all in this block in on the Admin of Edit pages of the things on our website. part of the standard interface of Ginger cms.

2. Upload your imagefile or alternatively, paste a link to the original image file on the internet that you'd want to import (mind the permissions an credits)

3. Give the image a title that explains it, preferably also outside of the context.

4. Write a subtitle and an intro text to further explain what we see in the image. 

5. Make sure to add all page connections (see below) 

6. If the image is yours/from someone that has a profile at Mediamatic website link the person as AUTHOR, and write the credit in the intro text of the image. Example

5. If the image is not yours, but creative commons, then paste one link in caption (intro) text to the page where you found the image, and one to the photographers page as well. Example

Adding Page connections

6. If the image is yours, or from someone that has a profile at Mediamatic make sure to tag the maker as AUTHOR

7. If the photo depicts an artwork, also tag the artist of the artwork as AUTHOR

8. Tag persons who appear in the photo (anyone that has a profile at Mediamatic Website) as ACTOR

9. If the photo is taken at Mediamatic add Mediamatic Biotoop as LOCATION.
If it is taken somewhere else, then first search if the location exists on the Mediamatic website. If not, then create the location, and tag. (ONLY FOR EVENT IMAGES) 

10. Add the event/exhibition in TAKEN AT

11. Add 5 KEYWORDS and 3 TAGS