
Dying, Caring, Encore!

Project Presentation with Angela Kerr, Emily Bates and Yi-Jing Chen

26 Jan 2023

Our identity is defined by so many elements. Hair. DNA. Body. The way we think or dress. Yet, most of these are perishable. Our body becomes ashes, our hair is cut, our clothes are replaced. Those are seen as waste, remains, that are all created by us. How can we change their purpose and stop wasting so much?


Morphology of Sprout Leaves detail2 - Form der Keimblätter ca. 1850 German lithograph ca 1850 courtesy Wellcome Collection Publication: M. Formerg, Blattformen Tafel 1 : Lithographie, druck u. verlag von C. C. Meinhold & Sōhne, Dresden c. 1850 Lettering transcription: Form der keimblätter. keimende Ahornfrucht - Acer campestre, Ahorn - Acer campestre, Linde - Tilia parvifolia Reference: Wellcome Library no. 28434i

FoRests of Remembrance

Forests of Remembrance spotlights the links between nature and the dead body. Rituals surrounding death serve to reconnect the body with nature, giving it back to where it belongs. Angela Kerr suggests that we can transform these rituals and make it into a “preserving” ceremony, instead of a traditional “giving back”.


Remembrance forest cabin - credits: wikimedia. Angela Kerr

Human Hair Tapestry

Hair is a human fiber that can represent beauty, health and identity, yet when detached from the body most people find it disturbing. Emily Bates, in her project of Human Hair Tapestry, questions how can we turn these remnants into a ritualistic artwork.


Weaving with human hair - This image is part of the project proposal  Human hair tapestry Emily Bates

Growing with Garments

You wouldn’t want your Monstera to die, nor anything you grow. If your clothes depended on you to live, maybe your mindset on fast-fashion would change. How do we deepen our relationship with clothes by changing their value? Yi-Jing Chen, in her project Growing with Garments, creates apparel that needs active care to exist.


Participant Hanka van der Voet wore the collar while doing quaratine_photo by Hanka van der Voet - credits: Hanka van der Voet.jpg Yi-Jing Chen


Dying, Caring, Encore!
Thursday, 26th of January
20:00 - 21:30


€12,50 | Student / Artist / Stadspas €8,75*
Including a drink

To all three editions?
€25 | Student / Artist / Stadspas €17,50*

Also in this series

Sex, Sound, Space
Thursday 9th of February 

Grieving, Healing, Laughing
Thursday 23rd of February 


Mediamatic | Dijksgracht 6, Amsterdam 
1019 BS, Amsterdam

*We give a discount to students and artists. If this applies to you we will ask to see your KVK number /portfolio or student card. For questions, please send an email to

Penny For Your Thoughts

There is something uniquely inspiring when looking into artistic processes that are still in progress: unpolished, experimental and open-ended. Penny for your Thoughts is our project nursery, where we stimulate project proposals by offering them a stage.



Ariana Amirhosseini introducing Yi-Jing Chen - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo


Yi-Jing Chen Presentation - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

With: Yi-Jing Chen


Emily Bates Presentation - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

With: Emily Bates


Angela Kerr Presentation - Sandra Ruiz Castroviejo

With: Angela Kerr