
De Onkruidenier

Collectief de Onkruidenier investigates historical, cultural and potential transformations of nature and its potential to evolve humans. They do fieldwork - often in collaboration with the public - collect plants, the stories and histories associated with them, and speculate on aquatic culture to arrive at new interpretations of the relationship between humans and nature, both above and below sea level. Questioning systems plays an important role in this. In the development of their work, interactions with the public and experts such as farmers, residents and scientists create new narratives.


Jonmar van Vlijmen wild herb hunting - wild herb foraging in Dijkspark Lisanne Groenewoud

Contact information

  • De Onkruidenier
  • De Wittenstraat 73 C
  • 1052AN
  • Amstedam
  • NL


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