Code and pixels are the basic 'raw materials' of all digital visual media and imaging. os_anm is a lo-tech video and animation tool that was produced as an exploration of this 'raw' end of the digital image. SIMON YUILL (GB) did a presentation on os_anm discussing its development and the ideas behind it.
os_anm is a Slateford project. Slateford is a code art group whose members vary from one project to the next:
Braintec makes your dreams come true! Braintec is an American company that does research into the re-experience of memories through brain implants on test persons. ROSANNE VAN KLAVEREN, Braintec employee, recounted on the results and on Memoires of a Testee, a collection of online diaries by test persons all of which are linked to eachother.
Louise Berg at Mediamatic Salon - 7 maart 2004
Screening of "Ich bin ein Star" by Louise Berg - Mediamatic Salon, 7 maart 2004
screening of "Ich bin ein Star" by Louise Berg - Mediamatic Salon, 7 maart 2004
This year LOUISE BERG (S) graduated from the Universität der Künste in Berlin with the poignant film Ich bin ein Star (22 min., mini dv). A film about herself, her family and the connection between Sweden and Germany.
In Sweden there is a saying that the grass is always
greener on the other side, that you always long to be
somewhere else.
Berlin used to be the gate to the world, a possibility
to get away from the darkness and snow in Sweden and
to be the person you wanted to be.
The greatest star in the third reich was a swede,
Zarah Leander.
My greataunt, Ingeborg on the contrary was a quite
small star.
This is a movie about me, my family and the connection
between Sweden and Germany in the last century. (LB)