Editorial collection (set)

Editors can use a set to make a collection of content. The editor decided the order and the content of the collection.

Create a set and select the components

- Go to the /admin and create a new set.
- Write a title and a - short - introduction.

Follow these steps to select the set members of a set:
- Go to the tab 'relations', to the role set member.
- Use the search interface to find one or more 'things', by supplying a search term or entering the ID if the thing. Use the pull-down if you want to search only specific types of things. Then click [enter] or the 'search' button.
- Click in the drop-down next to desired result on set member.
- Click on the yellow 'connect' button.

- With drag-and-drop, the order of the set members can be changed.

Set or listpublish?

In a set, the content and order are decided by the editor. In a listpublish this is done by anyMeta, based on a query. Read more about listpublish here.

'Fixed Context'

Some sites have the option to select a fixed content instead of a matching context. In that case you make a set with the 'things' that should appear in the fixed content. This set is then connected to the 'thing' with the role 'fixed content'.

For example: If a website has a set of job openings, each individual job listing can be connected to the set as 'Fixed Context'. This is done in the /admin, in the tab 'relations'. The fixed context of this job posting is then the list of other job listings from the set.


Some sites have the option to create an 'about' relation. Unlike the 'Fixed Context', ths does not regulate the whole context, only the first 'thing' in the matcing context in the right side margin. This can be used to show a related article in the context of an event.

- Go to the /admin to the event.
- Go to the 'relations' tab, to about.
- Use the search interface to find the article.
- Click 'connect'.

In the page of the event, the article will now be shown in the top of the contexts.