Sandra Coelho


understood by Artists and Scientists.

There are two definitions of beauty:
• The subjective beauty, on human scale, changeable, varies according to geography, formation, culture, education, age.
• The natural beauty, sublime, universal, from nature's forces, eternal, immutable, because it will be always beautiful.

The search of beauty differs from artists to scientists, both use computational mediums, where they do simulations from nature, where the processes are so much important as the final outcomes, but the artists insert themselves in the definition of subjective beauty, and the scientists move essentially by the natural beauty.

Artists use beauty with a strong purpose, sometimes it is the main yearning. Through the medium artists ask questions, but don't give answers. They show through beauty the countless possibilities for answers, and leave to their viewers to find their answers. Artists look for controversy, dialogue, and discussion, willing to involve everybody in thoughts, or relevant causes.
Scientists raise questions and look for to give answers through data, tests, results, for which they use beauty in a free way, and without the need for creating it, as is the inherent beauty of the medium, of the element, meaning that, it is not an end in itself, it is a beauty found, scientists use the natural beauty.

For scientists, beauty is something that is offered, and about which, they look for understanding. Everybody find beauty in the natural beauty; it is undeniable how much the universe is beautiful.
For artists, the challenge of creating beauty is stronger. It is more difficult to take a larger number of people to find beauty when it is built, given that, it is a beauty that depends on individual criteria, and on inner sensibility.
It is possible an artist no more consider beautiful, the beauty of some years ago, and to reject phases of work of certain time of his artistic life, or not being accepted by certain institutions, because he does not obey to pre-established criteria.
Artists use creativity to act on the natural, to interact, or to recreate the natural, creating beauty, that like art, beauty varies with places, times, means, and wills. Art which, in the Hegel's opinion, when it is just centered on its surface beauty, looks like missing an "substantial content" to reach the true beauty.

The natural beauty has errors of pattern. The reason why it looks perfect it is due to the imperceptibility of errors. The initial parameters suffer mutations in time, that look intrinsically being part of the form since the beginning. That irregularity turns out to make the natural forms being beautiful, distinct, and unique.
The error in the artistic end, should be understood as something that is part of the exploration of the form, a detour that brings enrichment and new possibilities. Errors may turn out to be interesting casualties. The beauty created happens from an intuitive expression, more than from reason.