Stayer racing
A stayer bike was used to ride behind a motorcycle or derny on the track. The typical small front wheel and 'reversed' front fork made it possible for the riders to get even closer to the motor riding in front of them. By being this close they could benefit as much as possible from the slipstream created by the motor. This also meant that the track riders were very vulnerable and more than once riders got killed while riding more then 100 km/h.
A film to show what Stayer Racing is exactly. See how close he is to the motor cycle!
Martin Havik
Martin Havik is a Dutch cyclist from Texel, born on the 15th of December 1955. He moved to Italy with his Italian wife, where he became part of the Francesco Moser team. Havik was a professional from 1977 to 1984. He became third in the World Championship for track stayers elite in 1983.
Martin Havik - Photo courtesy Guy Dedieu Taken from .