Come and dance at Wild Time

Sunday May 29. 16:00 - 22:00

Wild Time again! Music will be provided by Dj's Arif (Malawi), Koen and Seamus (Nearly Not There Records) and Diego. Join us this Sunday at Mediamatic ETEN.

Free entrance / Facebook


Wild Time: Fourth edition - Wild Time is a danceparty at Mediamatic

Coming up

May 26 - Biotalk: Material Metamorphosis / Tickets
The speakers of this Biotalk will make us revalue certain materials in life we take for granted. How can we transform the meaning of so called 'waste' into useful objects? With: Emilie van Spronsen, Sarah-Linda Forrer and Tetsuro Oike

May 29 - Book presentation de Successtaker - de wortels van de creativiteit
In 'de Successtaker' writer Arjen Mulder thinks with Adrien Turel and has developed a paradigm in where the discussion about nature, creativity, design and art will shimmer. Instead of the normal €29,30 you can buy the book for only €20,- at the presentation.

May 12 - Presentation new Das Magazine / Tickets.
Das Mag wil present their new edition with Bent van Looy as guest editor.

Mediamatic Biotoop,
Dijkspark 6, Amsterdam

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