
Endor-Fine Dining

Neo Futurist Dinner 04 - with Schueller de Waal and Haagse Hapjes

14 Mar 2018
17 Mar 2018

Boost your happiness hormones in an adventurous but light-hearted dinner experience. With Endor-Fine Dining, 14, 15, 16, 17 March, fashion designers Schueller de Waal and food designers Rosa Hagen and Lotte Holtappels play with endorphin triggers that bring happy feelings into these dark and cold winter days. During this delicious six-course dinner, you will go from an energetic appetizer to a main course of laughter to an arousing dessert. 


Wednesday: Dinner / Drinks | Thursday: Dinner / Drinks (SOLD OUT) | Friday: Dinner / Drinks (SOLD OUT) | Saturday: Dinner / Drinks


Laughter & Excitement at Endor-Fine Dining - Besides delicious food, triggers like laughter, excitement, exercise, meditation help you to boost your happiness hormones at Endor-Fine Dining on 14-15-16-17 March. An experience full of happiness ingredients with a touch of humor.

Schueller de Waal

For this dinner, Philipp Schueller and Rens de Waal put their light-hearted tongue-in-cheek attitude towards the oversaturated fashion business into play. The urgent need for new structures and values are an aspiration that both the food- and fashion industry share. Endor-Fine Dining humorously suggests alternative ways of consuming conscious recipes; with the main focus on evoking happiness alongside a healthy nutrition. For this dinner, together with Haagse Hapjes, they designed a 6-course dinner that plays with excitement, laughter, togetherness and meditative healing. 


Endor-Fine Dining - Photography: Henri Verhoef Hair and Make-up: Yokaw Pat

Haagse Hapjes

Rosa Hagen and Lotte Holtappels transform classic dishes into foodscapes and interactive installations. Coming from a design background, they work on various projects where they turn drinks and dinners into a discovery trip for the guests. 

Neo-Futurist Dinners

In the Neo-Futurist Dinner series, Mediamatic invites different artists to present their vision for the food of the future. In this way, we question the way in which food, art, science and politics intertwine.


All Neo-Futurist Dinners are vegan. If you have questions or want to inform us about allergies, send an e-mail to

Special Thanks to Luminette


Neo-Futurist Dinner: Endor-Fine Dining
14-15-16-17 March
Dinner starts at 19:30
Mediamatic, Dijksgracht 6, 1019 BS Amsterdam
Tickets: Presale €50,- | Students €30,-
Non-alcoholic drink pairing is included
Drink pairing: €15,- (alcoholic drink pairing)


Endor-Fine Dining - Photography: Henri Verhoef Hair and Make-up: Yokaw Pat


Exciting appetizer at Endor-Fine Dining testrun - Chiara Barraco


Foodscapes by Haagse Hapjes during Endor-Fine Dining test run - Chiara Barraco


Potato - Beetroot - Pea Scoops during Endor-Fine Dining test run - Chiara Barraco


Arousing Aphrodisiac Dessert - Chiara Barraco


Happy Together - Giulia Menicucci


Starter course during Endor-fine Dining - Giulia Menicucci


Schueller de Waal in the kitchen during Endor-fine Dining - Giulia Menicucci


Salad Centerpiece - Giulia Menicucci


Comfort Food - Giulia Menicucci


Light Therapy during Endor-Fine Dining - Light Therapy glasses helped the guests to reach their right level of endorphins during the meditation-course of Endor-fine Dining. Giulia Menicucci


The meditation course during Endor-fine Dining - Endora leading her guests into meditation during the fourth course of Endorfine-dining. Giulia Menicucci


14-03-2018 Light Therapy during Endor-Fine Dining - For this Neo-Futurist Dinner, Philipp Schueller and Rens de Waal put their light -hearted tongue-in-cheek attitude towards the oversaturated fashion business into play. The urgent need for new structures and values are an aspiration that both the food- and fashion industry share. Endor-Fine Dining humorously suggests alternative ways of consuming conscious recipes; with the main focus on evoking happiness alongside a healthy nutrition. For this dinner, together with   Haagse Hapjes , they… Giulia Menicucci


Aphrodisiac Dessert - Giulia Menicucci


Digest your Frustration with helium balloons - With artwork of Arne Hendriks in the background Giulia Menicucci