Bon: for ETEN team

The Bon can also be used by customers at our Restaurant.


Drinks at Mediamatic ETEN - Giulia Menicucci

How does the Bon work at Mediamatic ETEN?

In November 2019 Mediamatic launched the Mediamatic Bon. This is a gift card that can be bought online and used at our workshops, lectures but also at Mediamatic ETEN. The Mediamatic Bon has the following prices: 10€, 30€, 60€ and 90€.

Here is a set of instructions on what to do if someone decides to pay their Mediamatic ETEN bill with a gift card:


  1. Check the amount on their gift card
  2. Go to the Stager App.
  3. Go to Check In – turn on the 'Bon. €##' event (based ont he amount of their Bon.).
  4. Scan the Bon.
  5. If it gets scanned that means it is still valid.
  6. Next go back to Nappkin.
  7. Click on: “Menu Mediamatic Bon”.
  8. Click on the amount that was on the Bon (-10, -30, -60, - 90)
  9. This should subtract the given amount from the total bill.
  10. Let them pay the remaining amount from the bill in their desired payment method.
  11. Keep the Bon in the designated folder.
  12. That’s all! Cheers.

If the bon does not scan, the customer may have an old Bon. You can recognise these y their event title under the Mediamatic logo: it will say 'Mediamatic Bon. €##' in stead of 'Bon. €##'.

Old Bon.

If the customer has an old Bon. do the following:

  1. Take a picture of the bon.
  2. Mark the QR code of the bon with a marker.
  3. Send the picture of the bon to the manager who will manually scan the bon.
  4. Keep the Bon. in the designated folder

If you have time to manually scan the Bon.: 

  1. Go to the Stager ticket management system
  2. Look for the Bon you want to 'scan' either by: Ticket number, Name of customer, order number (the last bit after the dash '-')
  3. click the checkbox of the ticket you want to 'scan', hit 'actions' in the bottom right of the screen, then hit 'scan'

Here are direct links to the ticket management of the old Bon. events


 PS: Check the Terms & Conditions below, there are some things you’ll need to check on the Bon.

 Terms & Conditions

  • Valid 1 year from its purchased date.
  • Non-refundable. 
  • Customers must always bring printed version of the Bon.
  • If the purchased product/bill is less than your Bon, we can give back other Bon's but only in multiples of 10 (e.g. You have a 30€ Bon and spend it on a 20€ workshop, we can give you a 10€ Bon back).  
  • No Cash return.