Commercial workshops

We also rent out our venue and spaces for commercial and externals events. These might include company outings, professional gathering, educational events for schools or even weddings. Every now and again there might be an opportunity to host a workshop at one of these events. This is how to organise a private workshop. 

  1. What we offerOn this page you can find all the workshops that we can offer (You can find it on the website navigation: Top bar on the website -> Venue -> Workshops). Not all of these workshops are given in our regular workshop program, but you can always contact the tutor about these private workshop opportunities.
  2. Pricing: You can find the pricing on the respective workshop spaces. How we calculate this: the workshop price is 30% more than the regular full price ticket. Cultural/friends discount is the regular workshop full price. The reason why it's more expensive is because we put in extra work to arrange this workshop for them. Also companies can usually afford a higher price than private people. This we call the "Commercial pricing". 
  3. Extras: The price only includes the workshop. If they want the package to include more, you can check this knowledge page about rentals, and speak to the Venue Manager / Event Manager.
  4. Tutor: Contact the tutor about the opportunity. The revenue model is the same as for regular workshops. Don't forget that the pricing includes 9% VAT/BTV. Communicate all this information clearly. Tutors usually quite like these opportunities as they pay very well but they are outside their regular hours at Mediamatic so clear communication of expectations are key here. 
  5. Preparation: Communicate with group contact about where/when/what a few days before. Make sure the space is clean and set up, check if assistance is needed, communicate with tutor about any last-minute things. 
  6. Payment: Payment is via invoice after the event. Venue Manager can make this.