Knowledge Page
Shaffy's Tuin and Mediamatic
Surrounding our Clean Lab with its entrance next to our Aquaponics Greenhouse, Shaffy's Tuin, is located. To prevent other cafés to fill up the waterside in between Hanneke's Boom, the Klimmuur and...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
T - Meet A Maker
1Jan 4300Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? Ruchama Noorda, the artist behind the Tumulus project, is open for a creative consultation and discussing ideas while...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
T - Meet A Maker
1Jan 4300Are you in need of some artistic input or discussion partner on your project? On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for a creative consult! Come by to meet the...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark, Dijkspark Lisa Witte
Twijfel Zaaien zichtbaar maken
De eerste stappen naar een betere communicatie op locatie
Wat zien voorbijgangers als ze langs Twijfel Zaaien lopen? Valt het project hen op, begrijpen ze het en zouden ze eraan mee willen doen? Het zal niet gebeuren als Mediamatic niet goed over het...
Feb - July '21
Ejla Miletic
Graphic Design Assistant
At Mediamatic I will be focusing on the visual identity and its applications in the various aspects of the centre.
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
18May 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
13Apr 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
16Mar 2021On Tuesday, Ruchama will be at Mediamatic and she is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the Tumulus and discuss ideas while having a walk outside. RSVP / Facebook
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
2Apr 2021On Fridays, Arne builds mycelium waste pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a walk...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
7May 2021On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Come by to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a walk...
Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
Meet A Maker
5Mar 2021On Friday, Arne will be building pigeon towers at Mediamatic and he is open for conversation! Book a timeslot to meet the artist behind the myco-assemblage project and discuss ideas while having a...
March - July 2021
Jessica Cohen
Events & Programme Assistant
My name is Jess, I'm from London and whilst at Mediamatic I was working towards my MA in Comparative Cultural Analysis at the UvA. After studying Art History at the University of Edinburgh, I have...
Piss off! What did you just say?
When was the last time you swore? What did you say… shit? Piss? Cunt? There's a high chance it was a word relating to bodily fluids, and at Secretopia we have summarised the research that will...
Stage: Haeckel Erfgoed
Wil jij ons helpen om voor het digitaal en analoge erfgoed van Ernst Haeckel te zorgen en zijn missie voort zetten? Ernst Haeckel is een inspiratiebron voor ons. Meer dan een eeuw geleden scoorde hij...
The Finger Rub Rug
When enclosed in a room with a rug made of silicone fingers, it is difficult to remain neutral. Whether it be humour or disgust, Dima's installation invites the audience to act on their response as...
Kunstformen der Natur
Suzana Orsolic
Neo Futurist Dinner Assistant
I am a Copywriter, PR Consultant, Digital Project Manager and aspiring Food Product Developer from Vienna, Austria.
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
T - Designing Incense - Guest Series
1Jan 4300Incense is an ancient form of perfumery and has in many cultures different shapes, purposes and functions. In this series we invite various guests to shine light on cultures of incense smoking as an...
Oct 2020 - March 2021
Nadine Schütz
Exhibition and Communications Assistant
My name is Nadine and I recently graduated from the University of Art and Design in Linz (Austria) where I did a bachelor’s course in graphic design and photography. As an exhibition intern at...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Julia van der Veen
Testing Code Noir
In the morning of 17th September we've tested the upcoming Neo Futurist Dinner: Code Noir. This dinner merges food, performance and interaction to to take visitors on a culinary journey to get a...
Rachel Rumai Diaz
Rachel Rumai Diaz is a writer, poet, performance artist, teacher and artivist. Being fluent in English, Spanish, Dutch and Spanglish she intertwines languages to create poetry that triggers...
Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark Nehis Osagie
Ins & Outs / Do's & Dont's
We are building a Pigeon Tower #1
In this blog series we will share the findings we have discovered after every workshop. There will be many questions found here regarding the process of building the tower both from us and those who...
Venue Mediamatic Biotoop Dijkspark
A place for happiness
Getting married in your own way
Weddings are times of joy and happiness. There is no better way to start a life together than at Mediamatic, where creativity and uniqueness are put on a pedestal. Our venue offers a beautiful...
Een sterke culturele basisinfrastructuur
Felicitaties aan nieuwe instellingen
Op 4 juni 2020 presenteerde de Raad voor Cultuur aan minister Van Engelshoven zijn advies over de Basisinfrastructuur (BIS) 2021-2024. Met dit advies geeft de Raad de culturele sector een enorme...