marshmallow kitty

I can balance things on my head...

I believe dreams come true if you want them to.
I'm more of a child now then I was when I was actually a child.
I need to be creative to avoid being a crazy bag lady with a cart full of broken dolls or discarded brown paper lunch bags.
I love thoughts, passion, perspective, understanding, art, fashion, books, animals, kids, unicorns, bonfires, sparkles, music, colors, writing, sunrises, sunsets, clouds...







I read a lot, I draw, I design preposterous extreme in your face jewelery, I write stories, I love to walk, I can walk forever and ever and ever... My 9-5 pay the rent and survive job is office managing an editing suite. I'm obsessed with saving money to buy a property by water or a houseboat. I want to get at least two dogs and some chickens and most probably a rooster....I want to get a tire swing and build a tree house and install one of those pulley system baskets so that I can pull up various objects, food and small animals i.e. bunnies and baby chicks. I am not afraid of crocodiles or jellyfish, even though I know they are considered dangerous.

I believe in Moderation and Balance.

Culture? Do I have it? hmmmm. I love ballet & I brush my teeth, I often forget to floss but am working on it.


