We started the year on january the 15th with the Biotalk. What are the social, cultural and technological implications of fungal and bio-based materials? And what possibilities do they offer for artists, designers, engineers, architects, scientists, farmers and chefs? Find out at Biotalk, the monthly lecture series where we introduce you to some of the leading figures in the field of Bio Art, Science and Technology. This year with Bart Vandeput, Katharina Unger, Mike Thompson & Susana Cámara Leret, Martijn Engelbregt, Teresa van Dongen, Formafantasma, Aagje Hoekstra, Laura Lynn Jansen and Thomas Vailly, Fabai Wu, Moyashimon en Kamiel Rongen, Studio Blond&Bieber, Tessa Kuipers, Tamara Hoogeweegen, Nienke Hoogvliet, Naja Ryde Ankarfeldt, Emma van der Leest, Agi Haines, Isaac Monté, Sonja Bäumel, Olf de Bruin, Phelim Hoey, Joost Dankelman, Teresa van Dongen, Dominik Schmieden, Agi Haines, Tamara Hoogeweegen.
Agi explaining her work to the public - Agi's work is called Circumventive Organs.
Pis is rarely used as a topic for a good conversation. We at Mediamatic do talk about Pis. On april the 30th we presented our first Pis'talk, a series of talks that investigates the cultural meaning and context of urine. This evening the speakers will dive into the history of sanitation in cities and explore the possibilities of urine as a excipient and source of nutrients and water in modern society.
Ruben Verwaal - Verwaal spoke on the pis'talk 3
Raising Doubts
Are you fundamentally lonely? Do you break taboos? Join us and start Raising Doubts (Twijfel Zaaien) in Amsterdam's newest hotspot: Dijkspark. Thirty questions about life and art lead you along the green walkway. You answer these questions by sowing flowerseeds. This way your answers will grow out to become part of a lush infographic. And you will get to know what type of artist you would have been.
Raising Doubts is an initiative by Jasmin Moeller and Masha Ru in collaboration with Mediamatic. You can visit the installation daily until the 30th of November. The seedcards were for sale during opening hours at Mediamatic.
Brew your own beer
Water, hops, grain and yeast are the only ingredients you need to brew your own beer, but there are endless possibilities in variations and additions. Mediamatic investigates radical beer design and experiments in our own micro brewery. From 18 april on you can join the brew workshop, also for the inexperienced, but adventurous brewer.
Dijkspark - Opening Weekend
The opening of the Dijkspark is celebrated during a three-day festival. Three days of Fermentation, Fish, Design, Eat, Bacteria, Pis and Flowers. On friday september 11 the opening of Pis, Hard Water and Gelukszoekers, with new work by Zeger Reyers and Kamiel Rongen and the Raising Doubts installation by Jasmin Moeller and Masha Ru. On saturday september the 12th the official opening of the park, with Janny Rodermond - director Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and Roeland Rengelink - from the governance of Stadsdeel Centrum.
In the same weekend, Teun Castelein presents his new shipping company: Rederij Lampedusa. This shipping company contains a vleet of two Nord-African ships in which refugees made the crossing to Lampedusa, Europe. The ships are donated by the Italian authorities and shipped to Amsterdam.
Till midnight you can visit the new installations by Zeger Reyers and Kamiel Rongen, join a tour to our Myco-Brewery and Aquaponics greenhouse, chill on our terrace and listen to the Icelandic bands from Festisvall Fünf: Samaris, Good Moon Deer, Berndsen and M-Band.
Pure Gold is an art installation created by audio visual artist Kamiel Rongen, in collaboration with Mediamatic. The installation contains five different video's, projected on five different windows on the facade of the Mediamatic building. What is the difference between Pure Gold and earlier work by Kamiel? The key ingredient used for this video is his own urine. The videos are part of an installation of five urinoirs in which the urine is collected to fertilize the plants in our Aquaponics greenhouse.
From september 13th on we organise the Zuursalon, in which fermented food is the central topic. Growing moldy, getting sour, or decaying.... it sounds dirty but these processes make sure your beer and cheese taste so good. Mediamatic is not afraid of fungi and with Zuur it honors fermentation. On the Zuur market you find the most fanatic fermenters of the city.
De zuursalon, a talkshow about fermentation - Leslie Dronkers is talking about fermentation.
De vrouw met de baard is baking burgers! - Fermented food market
We Are Public Dinner
At our Biotoop, we not only build a laboratory and exhibition space, but also a new restaurant, located in a greenhouse at the waterside, with a view on NEMO. This restaurant will open shortly, but We Are Public members can already experience a foretaste.
Hard Water by Zeger Reyers
On september the 18th, [[ Hard Water] opens at our Mediamatic greenhouse. In an ultimate combination of man and nature (or perhaps man versus nature), Zeger Reyers has created an enormous living art installation which climbs down from the exterior second floor level of the Mediamatic Biotoop building in Dijkspark into the Mediamatic Restaurant. Hard Water was constructed using over 1000 ceramic plates, soil and different species of grass, including Gaura and Crocosmia. The immense piece explores the tension between nature and man-made objects by confronting the artificial with biological processes. As such, the work is growing and evolving every single day with the artificial manipulating the natural and the natural equally manipulating the artificial. This changing appearance can be witnessed over the next four years, and so several visits are encouraged to grasp the full live art concept of Hard Water.
Whether derived from nature, or chemically constructed, odourant molecules have the ability to profoundly effect our behaviour, emotions and associations. At Odorama we’ll actively engage with our senses and explore everything that reaches and effects the nose. We will consider olfactory history and design that is experimental and challenging. And introduce you to the fragrance as a work of art in itself. On October 8th the first edition, with Caro Verbeek, Peter de Cupere and Marit Mihklepp.
Evaporating a smell - Olfactory demonstration during the first edition of Odorama.
Ruud All Over
This installation, Ruud All Over shows hundreds of Ruud van der Peijl’s photographs infiltrating the city of Amsterdam. By replacing the advertisements at bus and tram stops Ruud's work is shown within the urban landscape. The installation is on show from October 31 till january 24 2016.
People looking at he RAO exhibition - People looking at he RAO exhibition during the opening.
This year we again built a new Aquaponics system, this time in our greenhouse at the Biotoop. Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system which combines plant cultivation and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it doesn't take up much space. The excrements of the fish feed the plants and the plants clean the water of the fish. Nothing gets wasted. In this workshop you learn how to build a miniponics system, a miniature, home-edition of the bigger Aquaponics towers.
How to build your DIY aquaponics system - Saro gives a workshop in how to build an aquaponics system
Kimchi workshop
Did you know that there are more than hundred different types of Kimchi? In this workshop June park reveals the secret recipe of her grandmother and teaches you how to make traditional Kimchi. You go home with you own fermented Chinese cabbage and with enough knowledge to impress your hipster foody friends.
Kunstformen der Natur in Radboudumc
The exhibition Kunstformen der Natur is back. This time in collaboration with the Radboudumc in Nijmegen. After the popular exhibition of 100 prints, we selected 80n prints for this special location in the east of the Netherlands. The light installations by Rudy Guedi, Martin Huger, Olya Troitskaya and Sophie Rogg are also present. The exhibitions is ons show from October 30 till March 21 2016.