Last issue of the Mediamatic Off-Line (september 2007) about the film Vergessene Fahnen by Florian Thalhofer and Juliane Henrich, with an essay by Krystian Woznicki. Bonus Track is the film Small World (1999)

Editorial Vol 11#3
Mediamatic Off-Line
Germans think that showing the national flag is sinister. World Cup football in 2006 brought about a notable swing. Germans overcame — temporarily — their fear of association with right-wing...
2007 Krystian Woznicki
Heat, Autumn.World, Province
Forgotten Flags in the context of society
The summer of 2006 was a hot one. In previous years temperatures had been erratic, the weather unpredictable; sometimes we just had to accept the fact that fall had begun although the months of June