Freek Lomme
Curator and writer.

Producing culture through the display of artistic production: sharing poetical, implicit clues towards new, more explicit notions on culture and identity. I curate and write about art and design.
I'm operating as a professional curator since 2003. I've started out in the context of the more autonomous arts at Lokaal 01, making exhibitions in both Breda (NL) as Antwerp (BE). Later on my own focus developed, resulting the notion that all creative practice revolves around design; proper artistic entrepreneurs know how to cope with the implicit hunch of avant-gardism. This is the subject I’d like to share: the poetics in between the artistic product and its cultural sensibility.
This focus is very much recognizable within Onomatopee, a publisher and presentation space I’m running with my friend Remco van Bladel, a graphic designer. We are very much willing to work with other people and organisations.
Free-lance writer
I'm editor of art journal De Kantlijn and write for numerous catalogues, artists and others.
Free-lance curator
Please contact me if you're interested in my work.