Arno represents the Lords of Dev Camp; during the ':lworkshop you can find him most often on his old school shaped skateboard. What he enjoys about the workshop is the opportunity to work with physical objects, which is not often the case in his AI studies.
During the production of the Paperboy game, Arno is responsible for the anyMeta connection to recover and connect identities from the ikTag.
Fábio enjoyed his last exchange so much that he decided to come back to Amsterdam and commit to his a 2 year master AI. In Portugal he worked for a music Label called Lovers and Lollypops and he took that hobby to Netherlands. Now he works as a paperboy for Subbacultcha!, to get free tickets to concerts and events. He never worked with Arduino before and enjoys the experience of getting to know a new platform and eating free and perfect Thai food.
Besides his studies he works for a science-quiz production firm and plays the guitar in a small band. During the workshop Gilles is pleasantly surprised by the existence and functioning of Mediamatic. It seems to be a place that not only brings different people together, but is also very willing to assist them in the development of their projects. It is really nice to conceive the idea for a project, develop, tune and finish it, but it is also a bit chaotic. The only thing Gilles is nervous of right now is how the bluetooth component of the Paperboy project will be integrated in the Eee-pc, since the Eee-pc does not support bluetooth very well. Besides this, the integration of the hardware and software later will also be a bit of a challenge.
Besides her studies, Imara likes to play RPGs and MMORPGs (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Rappelz). Sometimes she organizes LAN parties at home (in Lelystad). She also likes to program Robots and works as a web developer.
Marcs hobbies are php scripting, web design, lock-picking, gaming (Nintendo DS) and watching television (he has 38 favorite programs). He used to play Magic the Gathering but since everybody moved on to play other games, he is working to start his own Magic webshop, to sell board and card games.
He really likes the look and feel of classic arcade games, although he was born to late to actually play with them. He describes his interests in these artifacts as a form of inherited nostalgia.
Nurullah likes to read novels (historical and fantasy), to compute (browse the news and blogs like hack a day and to program java. He also likes to watch television and hang out with his friends at the youth association MGT at Bos en Lommer.
Nurullah has some experience in working in this kind of projects, but never worked with hardware before. He has learned that he has to practice this a lot more, since he run into a lot of problems. He also enjoyed to learn more about Arduino.
He likes studying AI because it is a still developing field - "in this studies you are continuously confronted with future possibilities". He is also the president of a company (specialized in innovations) that has been existing for 3 years. What innovations the company is responsible for can't be specified because they are still in development. Radençio also plays the piano, but never finished a piece because he is a perfectionist.
Steven Roebert is finishing his MA thesis on computing vision and does the Prototype dev camp as an intermezzo. He never heard of Arduino before, but thinks it is kind of an interesting machine and is happy with the working flow within the camp. Besides his thesis he is working on software development for the Iphone. What he likes about this kind of platform is that it is new and that many people use it, which means that the software he develops will not me lost, but actually be used.
Xander knows how to write software, but wanted to know more about hardware. In his freetime he sometimes codes demos on the Nintendo DS. Besides this he enjoys different types of music; rock, metal and chiptune. For a while he has been thinking about coding a music synth or one step sequencer and go on tour with a friend who makes music. Xander finds the prototype dev camp frustrating and tiresome, but also fun. He is not used to rapid prototyping and this is something very useful he suddenly learns very fast.
Micks hobby is modding Arduinos, to use other chips. At school he is working on a project with an air-train, for the Nemo. Mick enjoys the workshop at Mediamatic because he has never worked on Rapid prototyping before.
Thomas te Braake is working on the BMIX project
Saro has been working for Mediamatic as a intern a while back and seems to be happy to come back. He was also a volunteer at the hacker camp this summer and when he saw there was another event, he wanted to join. Also, before he attended a workshop with Ubi and enjoyed that; the potentialities of Arduino seemed very interesting.
Pedro chose to come to Netherlands because he likes electronic music, design and art, specifically Northern European design (also on the web). Pedro is also active within the student life, organizing some courses and some other student activities. Now he is doing web design and travels a lot.
Introducing the students
After 4 days of working together, its time to get the students a bit more in depth.
Arno Veenstra
Fábio da Costa
Gilles de Hollander
Nurullah Koçak
Osewa R. Jozefzoon
Sicco van Sas
Steven Roebert
Xander Bos
Mick Pouw
Pedro Polvora