Prikkelend Slow

a free fashion workshop

18 okt 2010
  • 14:00
  • Lloyd Hotel
  • Oostelijke Handelskade 34, 1019 BN Amsterdam Amsterdam

On Monday 18 October, slowLab and Lloyd Hotel Amsterdam will present Prikkelend Slow: a fashion workshop.


Slowlab - bron

The half-day gathering is designed to ‘prikkel’ thinking and creativity about the activism potentials of fashion in an increasingly complex world. How can clothing be a site of provocation and conversation, enabling new ways of meeting and participating in society ?? Can what we wear on our bodies be not only aesthetically appealing, but also take on big topics like human wellbeing and sustainability ?? Participants from fashion institutions around the Netherlands will brainstorm about fashion’s Slow future and what they plan to contribute. With presentations by slowLab’s Carolyn Strauss, Slow fashion graduate Christine Bornfeld (D/NL), and performance artist Julia Mandle (US/NL). Spaces remain, and you can RSVP here.