Max/Jitter workshop workshop on Max/MSP/Jitter

15 mei 2011

An OpenToko workshop on Max/MSP/Jitter will take place in DeWar at Kleine Koppel 40 in Amersfoort on May 15th from 11:00 till 17:00.

“Max is an interactive graphical programming environment for music, audio, and media widely used by media artists and music performers around the world. It provides an user interface, timing, communications, and MIDI support. In addition to the endless interaction and automation possibilities of Max, Jitter (Max´s video environment) allows the user to generate and manipulate video and matrix data processing real-time, and is a useful tool for VJ´s, video artists and 3D animators.” (See Max/MSP/Jitter website:

Some examples of works made with Max/MSP/Jitter

- Daan Brinkmann – LINES
- Zachary Seldess – A Head of View
- Aircord Lab – N-3D a
- Vectral – Evolution 2

The objective of this workshop is to provide the participants with the fundamentals of Jitter video processing techniques. Basic video mixing and effects (brightness, color manipulation, alpha blending), as well as interactive processes like color and movement tracking (computer vision), mouse interaction, or simply how to connect a (web)camera to feed images.

Target groups
This workshop is aimed at designers, artists, students, VJ/DJs, programmers teachers and anybody related to media (art) who are interested in learning the basics of this widely used software. People with knowledge of other programming languages or software will find this workshop useful as a intermediate step to apply their existing knowledge into this new program.

The workshop is given by Beatriz del Saz, a visual artist involved in the creation of 3D videos and installations with Max/Jitter and other programming environments like GLSL shaders and OpenFrameworks. She is particularly interested in the combination of image and music.

Participation & costs
If you’re interested to attend please bring a laptop with Max /Jitter installed. Please note that Max /Jitter is not a free software, however, it is possible to try the demo version (download here) during 30 days.

The cost for the workshop is up to you. You can choose how much the knowledge is worth to you. There will be a honesty box for your cash donations. You can also ask for a bill if you don’t want to pay cash. There is a limit of 20 participants for the workshop so please RSVP or register at