The One Minutes Belgium

Submit your one minute films

Theoneminutes are videos of exactly one minute, including credits. Worldwide The One Minutes Foundation and partners are organizing exhibitions, country competitions, award ceremonies, TV broadcasts and in 2008 the Olympic One Minutes in Beijing.

The competition is open to all filmmakers from all countries, whether young or old, amateur or professional, filmfanatic or videowizard. The Belgianopen calls for all cinematographers as long as you enter a oneminute film.

A professional jury will grant prices for different styles and genres ( art, narrative, documentary, animation, (self)portrait, visual effects…) and the attending public will award the main price. Nominees and price winners will be promoted on this site.

Submit entries before september 10th, 2007.

Since Cuba will be invited as a guest country, special attention will be given to Cuban one minute films through special screenings and other festivities.