Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
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Charybdea. / Cuhomedusae. – Würfelquallen.

Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch

Plate 78 from Kunstformen der Natur.
This is one of the 100 pop science biology illustrations that were published from 1899 – 1904 in Leipzig by Ernst Haeckel through Verlag des Bibliographischen Instituts.

Translation of the original German introduction by Ernst Haeckel:

Phylum of Cnidaria (Nesseltiere); - class of Acraspedae (Lappenquallen); - order of Cubomedusae (Würfelquallen).
‘Cubic medusas’ (Cubomedusae) are most rare animals, in most cases living in deep-sea; on the one hand related to ‘pouch-medusas’ (Peromedusae, plate 38), on the other to the common ‘disc-medusas’ (Discomedusae, plate 8, 18, 28, 88, 98). They are distinguished from both orders by the square shape of their high-arched gelatinous umbrella; it is at times almost cubical in shape (fig. 2, 5, 6) or quadrangular-prismatic (fig. 8), at times more pyramidal (fig. 3) or bell-shaped (fig. 1). At the lower rim of the umbrella from which a fine ‘rim-veil’ (Velarium) is hanging down, four inter-radial Pedalia are fixed carrying the long, curled and most flexible ‘capturing filaments’ . In Charybdea (fig. 3-8) Pedalia are simple, which means that only four tentacles are there; in Chirodropida, however, (Fig. 1 and 2) the four Pedalia are palmate, divided into several fingers with each finger holding a tentacle. Along the four flat sides of the umbrella, in the centre of the base, four perradial eyes are positioned; they are of a strictly composed structure, contained in a heart-shaped niche or eye socket (fig. 1-3, 7 and 8). The four eyes are connected among each other and with the four tentacles with the help of a strong ‘nerve-ring’; this ring is better developed than in other medusas coming down on each side in a curve from the eye to the base of the Pedalia (fig. 1, 7 and 8). At the bottom of the umbrella cavity the stomach rests with the base of its mouth opening surrounded by four mouth-lopes. Inside the four flat pouches that emerge from the stomach to the interior surface of the umbrella four pairs of band-shaped gonads or sexual glands are resting with their free rim delicately frilled.

Translation by VR Translators Bangalore

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