Cross Media Week

22 sep 2007
29 sep 2007

The creative industry heavyweight conference, with this year the PICNIC Green Challenge for sustainable energy, Come Out and Play on how to use the city as a game, and many tracks on creative + virtual + diy + hacking + you, the user.


Make friends at Picnic Network -

Designed for creatives, entrepreneurs, innovation and technology experts, media professionals, and businesspeople, the Picnic conference programme showcases the latest innovative and creative trends relevant to the media and entertainment industries.

25 September: PICNIC Opening
25-28 September: PICNIC Partner Events
25-26 September: PICNIC Academy
26-29 September: PICNIC Conference
26-28 September: PICNIC at Night
28-29 September: Come Out and Play
29 September: PICNIC Green Challenge, fuelled by the Postcode Lottery
