Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#1 1 jul 1987
Halverwege de Documenta menen wij nog iets toe te moeten voegen aan de golf van publiciteit die alweer bijna uitgewoed is. We bieden dan ook alleen specialistische, maar extra interessante...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#1 1 jul 1987
Halbe Mensche. Les Extrémes se touchent
In Mediamatic 1#4, Willem Velthoven wrote about Lydia Schouten's Echoes of Death/Forever Young . In his article he discussed the criticism of Rein Wolfs and of Jouke Kleerebezem. Velthoven came to...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#1 Marie-Adèle Rajandream 1 jul 1987
Pieter Baan Müller. Apparent Simplicity.
The young Dutch artist Pieter Bann Müller uses video as others would a coaster or the margin of a newspaper: for a quick explanation. Marie Adéle Rajandream puts into words her fascination with his...
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#1 Dalibor Martinis 1 jul 1987
As for the artist...
As for the Artist... As for the artist, well, like all good artists he is dead.
Mediamatic Magazine Vol. 2#1 1 jan 1987
Documenta 8
Documenta 8 was opened in Kassel on June 12. Since then, a lot has been said and written about the way one has tried to stress the relationship between Art and Society in Kassel. We will not add to...