Xandra van der Eijk


Portrait of Xandra van der Eijk - Founder of I wait here. Xandra van der Eijk

Van der Eijk investigates natural processes and elements, where the concept of time is a recurring theme. Through many experiments and thorough theoretical research these processes develop in conceptual works with a strong visual component. She documents and describes, but never fails to allow space for poetry.

Xandra van der Eijk (MMus, Netherlands, 1985) graduated from the Interfaculty ArtScience at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, after graduating from Graphic Design (BA) at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.

Van der Eijk received the Paul Schuitema-prize in 2008 and was nominated for the STRP Talent Pit Award, BLOOOM Award and Prix Ars Electronica. She participated in many exhibitions and has had some important publicity – some of which is mentioned below. Momentum, her debut, was featured at the V2_ Test Lab Graduation Edition 2011, at the Marrakech Biennial exhibition ‘On geometry and speculation’ and at Gramolna Museum during Meta.Morf 2012, Norways most extential biennial for art and technology.

Contact informatie

  • Xandra van der Eijk
  • Engelen van Pijlsweertstraat 12Bis A