Presentation: Mediamatic Biotoop
Voddenmannen 1
24jul 202125jul 2021Mediamatic and Voddenmannen are happy to invite you to the Voddenmannen 1 pop-up shop. Come by and get your hands on the very first batch of affordable design items that are remodelled from discarded...
Workshop: Mediamatic Biotoop
Freestyle Kintsugi
11sep 2021We hebben niet altijd alles onder controle. In deze workshop ondergaan de deelnemers de filosofie van kintsugi, die draait om het omarmen van imperfectie en onvolkomenheid. Je oefent met het...
Kunstformen der Natur in MoCA Busan
4mei 202122sep 2021The Kunstformen der Natur exhibition is back. This time in Korea, at the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, as part of the Sustainable Museum: Art and Environment exhibition. In this era of growing...
Plaat 10 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Ophiothrix Ophiodea. / Schlangensterne.
Litho van Ernst Haeckel en Adolf Giltsch
Plaat 10 uit Kunstformen der Natur. Op deze plaat verschillende Stekelhuidigen, daarbij horen de zeesterren, de slangsterren, de zee-egels en de zeekomkommers. Ze hebben een vijf-zijdig symmetrisch...
Plaat 9 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Maeandrina. / Hexacoralla. Sechsstrahlige…
Litho van Ernst Haeckel en Adolf Giltsch
Een aantal skeletjes van individuele koraaldiertjes (links en rechts boven op de plaat) en een paar kolonies. Eén individueel diertje is 6-zijdig symmetrisch. Het is een poliep met een centrale...
Plate 8 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Desmonema. / Discomedusae. Scheibenquallen.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 8 from Kunstformen der Natur. Discomedusae: Subclass of Scyphozoa (jellyfish)
Plate 7 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Epibulia. / Siphonophorae. Staatsquallen.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 7 from Kunstformen der Natur. This is one of the 100 pop science biology illustrations that were published from 1899 – 1904 in Leipzig by Ernst Haeckel through Verlag des Bibliographischen...
Plate 6 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Tubuletta. / Tubulariae. Röhrenpolypen.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 6 from Kunstformen der Natur. Tubulariae: Genus of Hydroids, animals related to jellyfish and have strong visual similarities to them such as a compact, mostly round body with long strings...
Plate 5 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Ascandra. / Calcispongiae. Kalkschwämme.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 5 from Kunstformen der Natur. Calcispongiae: Marine sponges with c alcareous skeletons
Plate 4 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Triceratium. / Diatomea. Schachtellinge.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 4 from Kunstformen der Natur. Diatomea: Single-celled organisms also know als algae
Plate 3 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Stentor. / Ciliata. Wimperlinge.
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 3 from Kunstformen der Natur. Ciliata: Complex single-celled organisms with a short hairlike surface. Hence the name that comes from the Latin word Cilia which means eyelash.
Plate 2 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Globigerina. / Thalamophora. Kammerlinge. (test)
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 2 from Kunstformen der Natur. This is one of the 100 pop science biology illustrations that were published from 1899 – 1904 in Leipzig by Ernst Haeckel through Verlag des Bibliographischen...
One recipe, two hands, three generations
A conversation with Elena Braida
For her graduation piece at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Elena Braida created Cucina, è bello! a workshop cooking experience. Through making gnocchi from her grandmothers’ homemade recipe, she asks...
Chicken Coop Sauna
Structure Experiments
After Waew made her first prototype of a Sauna Cabin in Thailand, she used plastic and blue metal tubes. In December 2020, she came to the Netherlands to further continue her experiments. Although in...
Shrinking Sustainability
Experimenting with making bioplastic
Designer of the Herbal Thai Sauna, Waew, is currently in the process of experimenting, she was able to make numerous different kinds of bioplastic, in an attempt to see if they would be able to...
Tofu, Bean curd or Ricepaper?
Thai Sauna Experiments
By now, we have already been able to get a taste of the experiments that Waew is currently involved in, to create a Thai Sauna dinner experience. Starting with the willow brand chicken coops, to the...
Steaming Wellness
Thai Herbal Sauna vs Dutch Sauna
The Thai Herbal Sauna experience is very unique and contrasting to the Dutch experience. The Thai is focused more on personal relaxation and rejuvenation of the body, rather than the Dutch one, which...
March - July 2021
Jessica Cohen
Events & Programme Assistant
My name is Jess, I'm from London and whilst at Mediamatic I was working towards my MA in Comparative Cultural Analysis at the UvA. After studying Art History at the University of Edinburgh, I have...
Porpema. / Siphonophorae. Staatsquallen. (test)
Lithograph by Ernst Haeckel and Adolf Giltsch
Plate 17 from Kunstformen der Natur. Siphonophorae: Subclass of Hydrozoa, sea animal related to jellyfish and corals.
Plaat 1 Ernst Haeckel, Adolf Giltsch
Circogonia. / Phaeodaria. Rohrstrahlinge. (test)
Litho van Ernst Haeckel en Adolf Giltsch
Plaat 1 uit Kunstformen der Natur. De skeletjes van deze Radiolariën zijn per soort heel verschillend. Ze worden in fossiele gesteenten gevonden en dan gebruikt om dat gesteente te dateren. Omdat elk...
Oosterdok Gökçe Baykan, Gabrielle de Haseth
Haeckel Hunt
"Catch’em all around Oosterdok!" Remastered
Maybe you have already come across the mysterious signs popping all around the Oosterdok region and wondered what they are.
Mediamatic Biotoop
Discovering Otoliths
with Mandy den Elzen
Secretions of Disappearing Bodies
When we think about secretions, the first thing that comes to mind could be sweat or piss. “Secretion” sounds like something that is produced by a living body. But what happens when we think of this...