
Building Aquaponic Systems

met Saro van Cleynenbreugel

28 nov 2021

Aquaponics is een duurzaam voedselproductiesysteem dat het kweken van groenten en vis combineert. Het is een van de beste methodes om in de stad voedsel te produceren omdat het maar weinig ruimte inneemt. Ook is het een waterzuinige productiemethode. Terwijl de visuitwerpselen zorgen voor plantenvoeding, en de planten het water zuiveren voor de vissen, wordt geen druppel water verspild. Met deze workshop leer je een miniponics systeem bouwen; een miniaturen thuiseditie van de grotere Aquaponics-toren.

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Aquaponic system - Saro explaining how aquaponics works at a workshop. Here is a quick explanation: Aquaponics is a sustainable food production system that combines the cultivation of vegetables and fish. It is one of the best ways to produce food in the city, because it hardly takes up any space. The fish excrement feeds the plants, and the plants clean the water for the fish. In this way, not a drop is wasted. In this workshop participants learn how to build a miniponics system, a miniature, home-edition of the… Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel

Wat ga je doen

De workshop begint met een grondige inleiding in aquaponics, met een rondleiding door het Dijkspark en de Aquaponics Tuin. Na de inleiding gaat de groep samen aquaponics boerderij bouwen. Na afloop van de workshop weet je hoe je thuis een aquaponics systeem kunt bouwen, hoe het ecosysteem werkt, een aantal grondbeginselen van de biologie, en enkele loodgieters- en timmermansvaardigheden.

Wat is aquaponics?

De 'Aquaponic Gardening Community' omschrijft aquaponics als "het kweken van vis en planten tezamen in een geconstrueerd, circulair ecosysteem dat gebruik maakt van natuurlijke bacterieën om visuitwerpselen in plantenvoeding om te zetten. Het is een milieuvriendelijke natuurlijke voedselproducerende methode die de beste eigenschappen van aquacultuur en hydroponics inzet, zonder afvoer of filtratie van water, en zonder de noodzaak van kunstmest." Op basis van dit ecologische systeem bouwt het Mediamatic Aquaponics team momenteel een stadsoase, die te bezoeken zal zijn tijdens onze open rondleidingen.


Standaard prijs €95 | Kortingsprijs €70 
We bieden korting aan studenten, kunstenaars en Stadspashouders. Om in aanmerking te komen zullen we je vragen om bewijs.


28 november, 12:00 - 16:30
De workshop heeft een minimum van 6 deelnemers. 
Tenzij iedereen Nederlands spreekt, zal de workshop in het Engels gegeven worden.
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Lees hier de kleine lettertjes.


Participants starting on their top growbed - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant building the aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants starting on their top growbed - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants at the aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participants at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Elise holding the start of a new miniponics system - During the Building Aquaponics Systems workshop


Participants at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant using tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Building Miniponics system as a team - During the Building Aquaponics Systems workshop


Participant using tools at the aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Plants from the aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant at aquaponic workshop - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant admiring their finished aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Participant admiring the finished aquaponic system - Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Max enjoys hands-on and practical projects - Participant at Building Aquaponic Systems workshop He was intrigued to join this workshop because he saw his friend experiment with aquaponics. This team leader of designers and frontend developers, is also very interested in sustainable ways to grow your own food. Max is interested in how to build aquaponics inside on a small scale and cultivate a small surface efficiently. There are many things that don’t grow outside, and this is a good solution for that.  Max joined the workshop with his friend as they have the same interest in learning how… Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Oscar is looking for great ways to grow veggies and herbs on a small surface - Participant at Building Aquaponic Systems workshop Professionally, Oscar designs websites and applications, but in his spare time, he likes to experiment with hydroponics systems! During the process of building hydroponics, Oscar came across aquaponics and thought it would be awesome to know more about that as well. So, he found himself in this workshop. This is an enjoyable hobby for Oscar as he doesn’t have access to a big garden and aquaponics is a great way to grow veggies and herbs on a small surface. He likes the combination between… Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Anna incorporating nature in urban areas - Participant at Building Aquaponic Systems workshop As a Biology major, Anna has a natural interest in the aquaponic system. She joined this workshop to learn more about the possibility of including more nature in urban areas since it's a complex thing to implement and bring to life. 🌱💧🛠 Anna enjoyed the combination of information on how the system works and the practical aspects of building that the workshop provided. "Building it yourself, so you see it in real life, I think that's really cool and you don't have that often”, Anna says.  Photo… Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel


Guy loves to grow his own food - Participant at Building Aquaponic Systems workshop Guy is a restaurant owner in Amsterdam. He has multifaceted hobbies and this workshop touched upon everything he likes; tinkering with things, plumbing, growing things, electricity, animals, and food. “I just love learning new things,'' Guy shares.  Photo credits: Caroline Aravicius  Caroline Aravicius, Saro Van Cleynenbreugel