Wouter Beugelsdijk

Superhero in multimedia design and veteran of web development

My background is in Communication and Multimedia Design, which I studied on the Hague University and just recently graduated from as a bachelor. Here I specialized in design, accessibility, usability and management for multimedia projects. During my education I started my own design agency with my two best friends, called Ontwerpkliniek, which we've been succesfully running now for three years. For my internship I was at the renowned Dutch design agency Fabrique. At Fabrique I got a chance to experience their workflow and research iPhone applications. Out of this research project I made a book that advises when and how to utilise these applications.

My specialty is designing for the internet, although I like to design for physical media as well. My focus is making my designs as accessible and usable as possible, within the limits of the given media. For web-projects I like exploring the possibilities of existing API's and new devices. API's are a great alternative to CMS and a lot of times they are much easier to use. Right now my focus is to keep evolving and making my own design agency, Ontwerpkliniek, grow. This means learning about what it takes to run your own business. And that's not just making awesome designs, but also dealing with clients, doing paperwork and finding the best sandwich shop in the city.

Knowledge is everything. Therefore in the future, I hope to extend my knowledge of web-development, interaction design and graphic design. So I'll be even better at making people happy with great design. I'd like to experiment more with film and photography, to see how I can integrate this with my work. A big goal is to make my own design agency, Ontwerpkliniek, into the best company in the universe. Or at least a business that we can make a solid living of and create the work we want. Two other big goals of mine are to one day grill the perfect burger and going into space to experience zero gravity.


Contact informatie

  • Wouter Beugelsdijk