All the teams are working frantically on their projects, while downstairs the Bicycle tracks for the Sur Place exhibitions are getting shape.
A dog is lying under them to guard the ramp from in appropriate use.
While last night team BMiX was still working with Arjans Race bike, now they got an actual BMX to rig. The team hopes to mod the bike into a musical instrument with the help of a lilypad arduino, an accelerometer and some pressure sensors.
Team paperboy is having trouble with their arduino. They can't get the relais to work. their problems last for about three hours.
Team fixie Pong is doing very well. Imara and Mick are adjusting the beamer to get a sense of the size of their screen, while Casper is working downstairs on the actual rails the fixies will be placed in.
The Simon Says team is almost ready. They only have to integrate the game play with the arduino and make the hardware.
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Guru Meditation
Prototype Dev Camp - Day 4
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The almost hackers now have to create order out of chaos..
Today the projects need to be finished, so tomorrow they can be fine tuned!

Ubi de Feo
Sicco van Sas,