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Posters Lima paviljoen

The Lima Pavilion, curator: Eliana Otta. Nov 7 - Jan 3 2009/10, in the Amsterdam Biennale at Mediamatic. Lima pavilion. Peruvian curator Eliana Otto shows the work of  Juan Javier Salazar, Rodrigo Quijano and Japanese artist Ann Kaneko in her Lima pavilion. Set up as a newspaper kiosk, the  colorful drawings, newspaper prints and portraits of presidents hang outside. Inside a selection of Andean hand made finger puppets lay on the ground in stark contrast to the movie about the 15 years under the Fujimori dictatorship. Lima pavilion. Peruvian curator Eliana Otto shows the work of  Juan Javier Salazar, Rodrigo Quijano and Japanese artist Ann Kaneko in her Lima pavilion. Set up as a newspaper kiosk, the  colorful drawings, newspaper prints and portraits of presidents hang outside. Inside a selection of Andean hand made finger puppets lay on the ground in stark contrast to the movie about the 15 years under the Fujimori dictatorship.
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