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Een postkaart zenden naar een kunstenaar in Belgrado

The Belgrade pavilion, curated by Isidora Krstic, Oct 16 - Jan 3 2009/10, in the Amsterdam Biennale at Mediamatic. Belgrade pavilion. Especially for the Amsterdam Biennale,  Isidora Krstic has created an interactive art  post office. She  invited  12 Belgrade artists to create  a unique postcard for the exhibition offering their view on the city. You can come along and take a postcard but in return you have to send  one back to them.   Belgrade pavilion. Especially for the Amsterdam Biennale,  Isidora Krstic has created an interactive art  post office. She  invited  12 Belgrade artists to create  a unique postcard for the exhibition offering their view on the city. You can come along and take a postcard but in return you have to send  one back to them.