Keir Neuringer


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I play the saxophone and compose electronic and acoustic music. I also write texts and make videos and installations. (My curating activity is on hold.) I was born in New York in 1976, grew up in the suburbs of NYC, and studied in Denton TX, Ithaca NY, London UK, Krakow PL and The Hague NL. I currently live and work in Ithaca.

My work, all of it, from music to video to installations to texts and so on, is an (always implicit, occassionally explicit) attempt to answer a question posed by environmentalist author Derrick Jensen: "What are sane and appropriate responses to insanely destructive behavior?" Or this question, from architect/designer William McDonough: "How do we love all of the children of all of the species for all time?" It is a reply to the call to arms of Albert Camus: "Create dangerously" or of Martin Luther King: "The world is in dire need of creative extremists." It is a recognition of the extraordinary danger industrial civilization poses to the natural world, and a reaction to this danger, spoken in a language the people destroying the planet cannot speak.

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  • Keir Neuringer