Marijn tijdens Oops
9 Sep 2010, 15:33:51
Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff - presentatie op de UvA Nieuwe Media Master graduation party.
Marijn de Vries Hoogerwerff is a new media theorist, Web researcher and Internet entrepreneur. In 1999 he started working as IT professional at the broadband Internet Service Provider @home (a franchise of the ISP and search engine company Excite@Home). After working here for over eight years he pursued a study in New Media at the University of Amsterdam. (MA) During this study he has been an active member of the Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) research group, working together in a strong team of designers, programmers and theorists to develop new Web-specific methods and tools for doing online research and has written in depth about Internet censorship research, code consciousness and cyber-cosmopolitanism. Next to several stand-alone projects he also started up CYBERLIFE, which focussed on building Web-applications, sites and tools, Web hosting and conducting Web research. After receiving his masters in New Media he continued his contributions to DMI, was co-organiser of the Society of the Query conference for the Institute of Network Cultures (INC) and has been a thesis supervisor at the University of Applied Sciences (HvA) for Interactive Media. De Vries Hoogerwerff strongly believes that the Web, as an infrastructure and as a concept, can aid in helping people deal with the increasing complexity of the world (both online as offline) and its problematics. Therefore his company, nochii BV, focusses on helping companies and people obtain a better understanding about the Web, the value of their networks and the space they occupy within it.