Coffee machine at Mediamatic

How to fix and maintain


espressoWega - Coffee is hot Saro Van Cleynenbreugel

Repairs and maintenance

The company that does the maintenance is Lavoro Espresso Service (+31 6 40603231) Their sticker is also on the coffee machines. 

We have spare rubber rings in the closet underneath the machine. 


How to clean


1. Take the portafilter and put in the “blind” cup (the cup without holes)

2. Fill it with a small layer of the Cleaning Liquid

3. Place the portafilter in the machine

5. Press the coffee button for 3 seconds so that the pressure rises, then turn it off

Repeat this process 5 times

6. Take out the portafilter and pour out the excess Cleaning Liquid

7. !!! To make the coffee afterwards not taste like soap:

Press the coffee button for 5 seconds so that the pressure rises, then turn it off

Repeat this process 5 times

8. Take the “blind”cup out of the portafilter and put back the Cleaning Liquid plus the “blind”cup

9. Let the water flow and let the machine flush all the chemicals out



1. Gather all the portafilters and cups from the Coffee Station

2. Make a bucket of hot water

3. Put in two spoons of Cleaning Powder

4. Place all the cups and portafilters (!ONLY THE METAL) in the bucket

5. Leave over night

6. Take out all the cups and portafilters and wipe them with a cloth

(you will notice that the water is completely brown)

7.  Rinse off all the cups and portafilters

8. Place the single shot cup in the single shot portafilter and do the same with the double shot one