Exchange Bazaar

Sharing in solidarity

7 sep 2013

The PARK exchange bazaar is open for everyone to leave and take what they wish. No bargaining involved. Expect senseless sharing, live music, and good conversation.


Free food and supplies - People offer free food and supplies to the protestors who occupied Taksim's Gezi Park, to protest the Turkish government tearing down another (green) public space for private purposes (e.g: shopping mall) without any dialogue. This photo was found on WikiMedia Commons.

The first event for the PARK project will set the tone for our park space within the Mediamatic Fabriek. The Gezi protests are not only about speaking up. They also allow solidarity, where people help each other without expecting anything in return.

Come and drop off anything you’d like. If you have no extra clothes laying around why not contribute food or help others set up. You are welcome to stroll around the stalls and take whatever you want without asking. No one will be checking who brings or takes what. Talk to those around you, enjoy being together, and hopefully you'll leave with a lot more than a pile of clothes.

More Info
We will start the day at 11AM with a pot-luck breakfast. At 12PM we open our market together. Tea is provided for. There is no entrance fee for this event.