Calendar Guide

How to make it

This is the Calendar Guide, telling you how to make a new Calendar to hang in the FABRIEK and/or BANK.


Nude calendar - Picture found on Google.

1. Check the Mediamatic Agenda to see which events are planned.

2. Put these activities, by order of date, in the calendar document (you can find this on the fileserver kantoor - stichting - tentoonstellingen - algemeen - graphics - calender - calendar bestanden). ‘BANK’ has the calendar for the BANK and the ‘FABRIEK’ needs to be hanged in the FABRIEK. Also you delete all the old events that have taken place.

3. First you fill in the date, then title, starting hour of your event and at last a short introduction of the event. Just use the same introduction that is used on the event page on the Mediamatic website.

4. Use the image that belongs to the event, you can also find this in the article. Same for the QR code (at the bottom of every page you find an unique QR code for that page - click on it). Simply drag it into Indesign and make it the same size as the images that are already in the document.

5. Check, before printing, with Jolien, for text-checking and to make sure there are no events missing.

6. Make into PDF. The PDF from the FABRIEK file can be printed for the BANK as well (in a different size).

The calendar for the FABRIEK you print with the Designjet on Silk Canvas. Width 910 mm height 3000 mm. The calendar for the BANK you print on normal white paper, also with the Designjet printer. This will be 300 mm by 1000 mm. You can cut white space where necessary. Not sure how the printer works? See this page or ask Abel!