Aliens in Leidsche Rijn
a first hand experience in second hand art
What are 5 ambitious young intellectuals from different parts of the world doing together in a new Vinex neighborhood in the Utrecht area of Holland? Answer: making an art show. After 8 months of discussions, doubts and fights, the baby is there: "Master Humphrey's Clock"- the final project of De Appel's Curatorial programme. But don't mention the art: Kompromat is interested in the cooks, not in the broth.

All the young curators seem extremely busy. - Sarah Farrar is showing the visitors around.

Jesse Birch is walking around with boxes. - Is this some sort of a performance?

The aliens are gathering inside their spacecraft. - Time for the opening speech!

It's time to drive further, towards the heart and soul of the exhibition- the local 2nd hand shop. -

I'm not sure these guys need the shop's services: they look absolutely perfect already. -

The exhibition visitors are queueing in front of the shop's counter. -