Debra Solomon is food, food culture, and the culture that grows our food


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(there is a Dutch translation of this text below)

Debra Solomon /
In 2004, Debra Solomon (artist/designer) began publishing her independent research on on food, food culture, and the culture that grows our food. In 2007 she co-curated the Edible City (NAi-Maastricht) on food and the built environment and was food domain expert of DOTT07, a design biennial in Newcastle (UK).

In 2008 she has launched a mobile snack restaurant serving in-situ snacks (Lucky Mi Fortune Cooking) and is a designer invitée of the design biennial in Saint-Étienne’s (FR) Cité du Design showing community tools for food and sustainability. Currently Solomon is working with several architectural teams on projects that are radical visions for community involvement and urban agriculture. Aside from the edible landscaping, her co-designs include open-to-the-public kitchen facilities and infrastructure aimed at bolstering social cohesion through local food-related micro-economies. Read more about her activities and her gardens on her weblog,

Debra Solomon /

Sinds 2004 werkt Solomon aan een reeks projecten rondom food design en food culture. In 2007 was zij curator van onder andere de Eetbare Stad/Edible City (NAi-M) en food domein expert van DOTT 07, de Design Biënnale in Newcastle (GB). Dit jaar is zij ‘designer invitée’ van de Design Biënnale in Saint Etienne (Frankrijk). Zij initieerde diverse projecten waarin voedselcultuur binnen grootstedelijke wijken centraal werd gesteld. Op dit moment werkt Solomon samen met architecten aan grootstedelijke landbouwprojecten en zal ze met Palestijnse boeren een boerenmarkt met buurt-eigen producten opzetten. Meer over haar projecten op haar weblog,

Contact informatie

  • Debra Solomon