1 Jan 2003

Invitation to participate

@ International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 November 2003

November 25th final presentation. In co-operation with the upcoming International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam (IDFA), Mediamatic is organising an intensive five-day workshop on interactive storytelling for documentary filmmakers.


Tina -

For this workshop documentary filmmakers are invited to bring their own footage to make interactive documentaries. The participants will use the elegant and easy-to-learn Korsakow System to create their projects. Korsakow projects can be published on CD or DVD but also on the internet, the footage in the projects is then streamed.

Interactive Narration

Interactive narration appears relevant to the documentary practice for several reasons: an interactive presentation of material can offer the viewer the possibility to explore side stories to the main subjects. It can provide the possibility to offer different perspectives on themes parallel to each other, forming each other’s context. Also, an interactive project can allow the viewer to enter an actual discussion with the perspectives of the author on his viewpoints.
The key issue of interactive narration and also the central question of this workshop is: how can the users' choices be integrated meaningfully in an interactive story?
