
of course: a concept.
So this is all pretty input=>output
The great benefit is that we dont need endless talks to establish something.
I suggest we continue this 'sandboxing' just in order to have something done by the end of the month. (also to hook up with the technician to get 'all' the data to make comparisons is too short date)

Anyhow, next to that it might be interesting to go a bit more in depth on the mayor topics here:
1. Is there a fundamental correlation between art and public funding and how do we know it is beneficial? (and how could this or the opposite be measured? could we make some wall of fame/shame?)

2. Data visualisation is presented as the key solution to create insight in political decisions, and thus increase democratic processes. What about known setbacks like inevitable subjectivity, misconception or even being misleading?

3. What would be a counter strategy to a visualisation?

q1 and 2 are polemic enough i suppose/hope.

The answer to q3 would be (as far as i am concerned) to build sort of a cultural leaks. The opposite of classic convergence, just show it all and let the crowd decide.
(off course it would take more time+effort to establish this)

Please let me know if this makes any sense or not.