Julio Javier Cicchelli

Amsterdam.rb meeting

Amsterdam Ruby User Group

29 mrt 2010

We are the Amsterdam Ruby User Group. We exist to promote all aspects of Ruby and beyond within the area of Amsterdam.

Our aim is to make Amsterdam a centre of excellence for Ruby development.

We meet on the last Monday of every month, and welcome anybody with an interest in the language Ruby, or even the framework Rails. We particularly welcome newcomers to join our friendly local community to share, teach and generate new Ruby knowledge.


Ruby-programming-language.png - Ruby Programming Language logo. Julio Javier Cicchelli

Rock & Code (http://rock-n-code.com) is proudly sponsoring the next Amsterdam.rb meeting in which two amazing presentations will take place:

  • From Zurich, Switzerland, Sebastian Burkhard will be presenting "Real-life RoR solutions: RESTful webscraping, caching state with CSS." Make sure you do not miss this, specially if you're a web developer!
  • From Milan, Italy, Fernando Vezzosi (http://twitter.com/buccia) will be presenting "Drilling holes with Ruby stones". If you are interested in exploring security holes, penetration testing, and systems security with Metasploit (http://www.metasploit.com/), then come and check out what Fernando has to say!

We will meet at the top floor of the Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, and you can easily identify us by the guys coding and talking nonsense ;)

If you have any further questions, don't be shy and visit our website (http://amsterdam-rb.org), write a message in the mailing list (http://groups.google.com/group/amsterdam-rb), send a tweet to us (http://twitter.com/amsrb), or simply ask around on our IRC channel (#amsterdam.rb) on FreeNode (irc.freenode.net). Feel free to invite anybody who might be interested in these presentations and do spread the word about our
awesome activities!