The Yes Men

the Jonathan Swift of the Jackass Generation

29 nov 2005
  • 20:00
  • Das Arts
  • Mauritskade 56, 1092 AD Amsterdam

A nice presentation of megalomanic world domination cloaked in a shroud of anti globalist activism served straight up with a large shot of common sense and a wink and pinch in the butt to go.

The Yes Men impersonate the World Trade Organization, the Dow Chemical Corporation, and Bush administration spokesmen, all while wearing tight shiny golden superman suits with inflatable phallic add ons with tft screens to monitor the world.

They do this on hope of demonstrating some of the strange things that are going down in the world today, and because they know everyone wants to wear a gold suit too...

The Yes Men were invited by DAS ARTS and STEIM to present at Block 23.

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