Anne Helmond

Twitterazi Tracker and the PICNIC Aggregator

"What are you doing?" is the general question Twitter poses us. It neglects to ask us "Where are you doing it?" in the age of the trackable and the increasing focus on the hyperlocal web.

The Lowlands 2007 festival was well covered by the Dutch Twitter community with 2500-3000 tweets. The Lowlands Twitter meetup was attented by 15 people. Data was collected from different sources (using the LL07 tag): Flickr, Twitter, Jaiku,, Buienradar, Google Earth and was used for a mashup:
This led to an abundant amount of data created by the visitors of the festival.


Lowlands Twitter Meet-up - Photo: Anne Helmond

Initated by Erwin Blom, founder of VPRO Digital, a PICNIC Aggregator has been created that aims to cover the festival with user generated content.

"Media events are packed with bloggers, vloggers and other kinds of new media people. Why not join hands and try to aggregate all the content that's available? Call it co-creation, call it crowd sourcing, call it what you want. But let's bring all the activity and creativity together. Wanna join the pack? Read all about it and participate. Dutch public broadcasting organisation VPRO launches The Picnic Aggregator."

The PICNIC Aggregator Wiki:
The PICNIC Aggregator:
The PICNIC Netvibes Universe:
The PICNIC Tumblr Feedstream:
The PICNIC Twitter:

I would like to propose to contribute to/cooperate with the PICNIC Aggregator.